Agenda 2025

Australia can end HIV transmission by 2025 and achieve virtual elimination. This historic achievement will only happen with a clear plan, refocused policy commitments and sustained effort.


Agenda 2025 is our plan to achieve this goal.



Agenda 2025 is a fully-costed plan which draws upon evidence-based research and is backed by top researchers, leaders and clinicians in Australia’s community-led HIV response.

2025 Targets
  • 95%

    of people living with HIV are diagnosed

  • 95%

    of people at risk of HIV infection use one or more forms of effective HIV prevention

  • 98%

    of diagnosed people living with HIV are on treatment

  • 95%

    of people living with HIV report no stigma in the last 12 months

An investment of $53 million per year in prevention, testing, treatment and stigma is required to achieve the goal of Agenda 2025.

Consensus for Action